Training & Coaching
« Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” – Ibn Khaldoun
All the training offering is based on practical cases or workshops to experiment, then group exchange associated with the transmission of the concept and theory as needed. This modeling inspired by the Kolb model allows participants to go back in their company with concrete ways to apply in the business world.
According to Kolb, it is by living and experimenting that individuals learn and evolve best.
Some “PLUG & PLAY” training courses available:
- – Intercultural management
- – The path to the US begins with I (or how to move from victim to player model role)
- – Better communicate internally or externally
- – Cost management for non-financials
- – Team management
- – Better negotiate (in France and abroad)
- – Get out of your routine to reconnect with your creativity (outdoor training)
Ideally after a chat to uncover your demands & needs, I will take care of engineering the training dedicated to your organization and the recommended follow-up coaching. I like to combine training and coaching, follow up coaching allows us to measure the progresses made.
Training and coaching can be carried out face-to-face, remotely or hybrid. We use user-friendly and modern collaborative tools, such as well-adopted whiteboard of Klaxoon – the workshop platform or the sharing of media/training material and the videoconferencing systems of Microsoft Office 365 suite (f.e. Teams).

Coaching started in the sports world before declining in life coaching and business coaching. A desire for coaching often emerges from a need for inspiration, energy, well-being, desire for change, passion. Whether in the personal, relational or professional sector, it is a process of individual or group support to reach objectives for which a solution apparently does not exist.
My objective: to support you to see your world differently, to guide you to discover your “new you” version 2.0.
Whether for an employee, for a manager, or even more for a leader, the coaching will be individualized in order to define the means to achieve the targeted objective.
Want to know more about my coaching style? Call me, mail me ( or fill out the contact form and let’s have a chat to see how to move forward together.
Procurement consulting & interim management
«It is over 30 years ago that I first ran into procurement as a source of strategic value and relevance for the company. Since then a lot has happened and I am now convinced more than ever that procurement is critical for enterprise performance enhancement.” – Dr Peter Kraljic (2014)
With a purchased share ranging from 40% to more than 80% of the organization’s costs depending on the industry, purchases increasingly influence the success of the company, whether in cost management or in the specifications requested to suppliers. Have you ever gone through the following exercise: if you need to increase the profitability of the company by 2%, how much additional turnover would you need to generate? Or as an alternative, at constant sales perimeter, by how much would you need to reduce your costs to reach the objective? Do the exercise for your company, you will certainly be surprised and you will look at procurement with new eyes…
Another example, in an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, is it reasonable for you to weight for more of 30% of the turnover of some of your suppliers?
I put at your disposal more than 20 years of experience in the management of international strategic purchases. I also work with three networks of expert procurement consultants in the optimization of the value chain or for interim management.
The procurement map below defines the levers of action to influence the performance of your value chain.

You set your own cursor and the aspects on which I can be supportive. Or we are working on a more global project for the function.
Finally, I have built a whole training offering to raise awareness among your employees or to refresh knowledge in terms of procurement if you need it. I can also support the upskilling of people taking up a position in your company’s purchasing department. Call or contact me if you are interested in my procurement training offer below.

For any request on purchasing consulting and related services, call me, mail me ( or contact me via the contact form on this site.
Get Global & Intercultural coaching
« Multicultural teams need low context processes. » – Erin Meyer
Today the world is global. I can support you in various aspects of your international strategy. How ? I help you with business development, in supporting your projects, and make you benefit from my network in the world or from partnerships according to the needs.
Support types are:
- – Export or installation project abroad;
- – Define a mode of communication to enhance operational synergies in a more global organization following, for example, a merger or an acquisition. My coaching skills are also a real added value in helping employees to understand their differences and working styles to establish a new organization.
- – But also for foreign companies wishing to come and settle in France or French-speaking Switzerland, or to improve how to operate with the French-speaking stakeholders. For example, we can also work on optimizing project work by taking into account the geographical footprint of the remote team.

My unique value proposition: intercultural coaching
Do you know that 50 to 60% of mergers and acquisitions fail due to intercultural conflicts? Multicultural issues are often underestimated in business and often either delays in projects or even exit scenarii. The associated costs can be very high, sometimes jeopardizing the company business.
Thanks to my experience in international procurement, I have worked with suppliers and people all over the world, understanding their cultural differences and approaches, essential to successful international business. I was an expatriate for about 20 years and I understand what challenges like mixing company cultures or a business culture directly in conflict with the values or normal operating modes in the country concerned.
If you would like support or discuss the subject, contact me by phone, mail me ( or via the contact form on this site.
Workshops & team coaching
«If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.” – Ratan Tata
In 1961 president JFK was visiting NASA Headquarters for the first time.
While touring the facility, he introduced himself to a janitor who was mopping the floor and asked him what he did at NASA. The janitor replied:
“I am helping put a man on the moon!”
Why am I telling you this story?
By metaphor, your company is comparable to the different levels of a rocket. All floors must work properly and carry out their deliverables. Workshops and collective intelligence can and should concern each of them: leadership team, management and operational teams.

If you wish to work with me for a workshop or a team coaching, I will ask you to tell me a story (the starting point). Then we will together co-design the next chapter of the story: where do we start from, what are the areas of fear and boring zones, what is my expectation at the end of the workshop?
Only then I will make you a proposal for the offered service. On D-Day, I will provide moderation and facilitation (alone or with my partners) where you and your team will experience a moment of cohesion and collective intelligence to achieve the defined objective.
My unique value proposition: hybrid workshops and coaching outdoor
Why looking for inspiration from the natural field? You will tell me that it is trendy, and you will be right, but this is limiting… Being outside allows you to take a step aside and also to benefit from useful gifts to enhance efficiency of the participants!
Being in nature lowers cortisol (stress hormone) as well as adrenaline. Memory and concentration are also boosted, while allowing the removal of everyday sources of anxiety.
I am trained in ecotherapy and in my free time I am a permaculture gardener, beekeeper and alpine climber. I share key ecosystem learnings outside with you in order to push for out of the box thinking and then to better refocus towards the targeted objectives.
1,2,3… are you ready? Next time you are in a natural environment, ask yourself the following questions:
- – What makes me feel good or uncomfortable here?
- – What are the elements involved in the proper functioning of this ecosystem?
- – How can this ecosystem fight against attacks, natural or human?
- – Etc. (I think you get the idea)
Now fancy the analogy with your business environment:
- – What makes me or my employees feel good or uncomfortable in our company? in this team?
- – On what strengths can we rely so that the projects progress according to expectations? What are our fears?
- – How do we prepare to face competing products? Are we innovative and fast?
- – Etc.
By organizing hybrid workshops mixing outdoor and in-room work, and thanks to the use of serious games type workshops, we can boost the cohesion and creativity of teams.
More generally, workshops allow more creativity and awareness through lateralization. Lateralization offers a playground where participants unleash themselves by losing some of their associated landmarks, constraints and limiting beliefs. We are not trying here to tackle frontally a problem, but rather to consider different aspects that will allow us to take a fresh and detached look at it. The Agile SpeedBoat workshop is a perfect example of lateralization.
Today I facilitate a lot of my trainings and workshops thanks to these techniques, and new generations are particularly receptive to it.
Examples of topics for your organization:
- – define our ambitions, our “business model”;
- – improve cooperation to reduce business units silos;
- – carry out the retrospection of a project, of the way a team operates;
- – develop and share a vision, set the course, share it;
- – put the internal customer at the center of the playing field
Want to discuss the subject, call me, mail me ( or write me using the contact form on this site.
Shift your company culture
« Waiting to know enough to act with full clarity is condemning oneself to permanent inaction.” – Jean Rostand
If you hear within your organization the following language:
- – “It’s the rules…”
- – “These are the orders…”
- – “I couldn’t have done otherwise…”
- – “I do not have the choice… “
- – “I know how the boss will react…”
- – “You know how this company decision-making process…”
There is a good chance that your employees will feel disempowered. Why should a change of mindset and behavior in the organization be encouraged and coached?
Today, change is the rule; stability the exception. The Anglo-Saxons talk about the VUCA world, clearly, the systems are always more complex, the customers more volatile, the world always more global and this requires changes within traditional companies because there is not a unique answer to a challenge. Employees still have little influence on projects and the company today, which leads, among other things, to bore out or the loss of meaning in the professional environment.
Tomorrow, the most successful companies will not be the biggest, but the fastest. So one of the interesting aspects of agility is to free teams from their fears and build a universe of trust where everyone will contribute and constantly improve the way of working, by experimenting more freely, using short iterations. The more everyone evolves and changes in the team, the more the change is visible in the organization and will therefore influence other employees who will in turn adopt other behaviors and initiate the virtuous cycle of the ‘continuous improvement.
The 4 Agile values in the sense of an organization (free interpretation)
- – People and their interactions more than processes and tools
- – Operational products with functionalities co-defined with the product manager
- – Collaboration with customers more than contract negotiation
- – Adapting to change more than following a plan
Collaboration, individuals, co-definition, adaptation, customers… So put human beings back at the center of the project. I insist on this because agility is often interpreted as a simple adaptation to a changing scope or an excuse to find a workaround, when it is much more.
Agility can contribute as a service to improve the performance within your company:

To facilitate cultural transformations inside the teams and the company, I use a lot the concepts presented in the page “Workshops & Team Coaching”.
The key point to start is to know oneself (I) to change the corporate culture (the WE) and contribute to the performance of the organization. If you want to free up your teams and build trust, this is only possible if everyone knows their own mode of operation and therefore can contribute in confidence within the group.
My unique value proposition: the workshop “The path to the US begins with the I” (or how to move from victim to a player model role)
A business transformation requires the adoption of new individual behaviors in the service of the collective. No one can change someone, only they decide. This is only possible if I understand how I work and how I am perceived by others, and finally how I work in the service of a collective (US). To adopt new behaviors or modes of communication, the person must work on self, his skills, his system of values and beliefs. This is the objective of this workshop outside the usual workplace.
This is one proposal among others to support you.
Want to know more or discuss freely on the subject, let’s meet. Call me, mail me ( or contact me via the form on this website.